Lowongan Kerja Rans Entertainment

Lowongan Kerja Rans Entertainment

Lowongan Kerja Rans Entertainment - Beikut Info Loker Terbaru
Lowongan Kerja Rans Entertainment

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Lowongan Kerja Rans Entertainment

Lokernas.com -  Rans Entertainment saat ini membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk sejumlah posisi. Mengutip dari Instagram @rans.entertainment pada hari Kamis (20/01) diinformasikan perihal lowongan tersebut. Dalam caption @rans.entertainment pada postingan tersebut.


"Tahun ini ada kabar kalau pemerintah hapus lowongan buat CPNS 2022. Tapi tenang aja, lowongan buat CPNS alias 'Calon Pegawai Nagita Slavina' gak di hapus kok! (malah ditambah lagi nih posisinya). Jadi buat kamu yang belum sempet daftar kemarin dan punya pasion di dunia kreatif, yuk daftar buat CPNS buat di RANS Group dan @bund.lifetainment!. Langsung aja kirim CV, Portfolio & Cover Letter ke recruitment.ransentertainment.co.id. Sampai jumpa di kantor para CPNS!"

Lebih lanjut lagi, adapun posisi yang dibuka diantaranya Production Assistant, Social Media Officer, Graphic Designer, Accounting Senior Officer dan Finance Officer. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, simak di bawah ini.

Lowongan Kerja Rans Entertainment

1. Production Assistant

  • Maximum 25 years old
  • Minimum S1 / Bachelor's degree 
  • Experience in the broadcasting field is preferred
  • Have the ability & knowledge on operating a camera
  • Understand the creative field from pre-production to post-production
  • Communicative and able to work individually or in a team
  • Discipline and have a good attitude

2. Social Media Officer

  • Maximum 25 Years Old
  • Minimum S1 / Bachelor's degree
  • Psychology Education background is preferred 
  • Awsome copywriting skills and out-of-the-box thinking 
  • Up to date with Social Media Trends 
  • Have a great passion in the digital creative
  • Have strong knowledge and ability to operate all social media platforms
  • Discipline and have a good attitude

3. Graphic Designer

  • Maximum 25 Years Old
  • Minimum S1/ Bachelor's degree
  • Have a good & creative taste in visual-design
  • Creative, artsy and confident
  • Have a great passion for graphic design
  • Proficient and have good skills in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects
  • Communicative and able to work individually or in a team
  • Discipline and have a good attitude

4. Accounting Senior Officer

  • Male/Female
  • Maximum age 28 years old 
  • Education minimum S1
  • Minimum 3 years experience in the same position
  • Mastering financial accounting standars (SAK)
  • Mastering computer (MS.Office)
  • Communicative, Independent and Hardworking
  • Accustomed to working under pressure

5. Finance Officer

  • Female
  • Maximum age 27 years old
  • Minimum education S1
  • Minimum 2 years working experience in the same position
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office and Microsoft Excel
  • Accustomed to working under pressure

Drop Your Cover Letter CV and Portfolio 
Send to : recruitment.ransentertainment.co.id


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